manual therapy
After the love of plants, herbs, butters, oils, clays and minerals, all that Nature has created for us, it was time for the second love – TOUCH. Love realizing the power and beauty of our bodies. PURITE OTIUM is the healing power of touch combined with the power of Nature’s gifts from Purite.
Touch. The hands are undoubtedly the most versatile and essential organ of our movement. “Hands are everywhere there is a person. Hands are us” – this sentence by Bartholomew Gajowiec from the book “World of Touch” made me realize the importance of what I do. In all seriousness.
Touch is a sense that cannot be replaced by anything. It is a sense without which we are unable to function. Touch can heal us, it can open us up and make us happy. For Purite, touch is a part of Eli’s fit with our philosophy based on the premise that we are here to help the skin solve its problems, meet its needs, and provide what it lacks in a natural, non-invasive way. And so to the “tree of life” we added “rest, relaxation and indolence” to create PURITE OTIUM, the second extraordinary place. It fits us very well. PURITE OTIUM is also our impression of the Italian saying “dolce fer niente or “sweetness of doing nothing”. Here we relax the body and unwind the mind. Acting on the body through touch, stimulating the senses with fragrance to restore peace and harmony in the body is what Otium by Purite does.
Why we need it.
Working at the Purite salon, I realize every day that people don’t realize how beautiful their faces and bodies are. These are miraculous natural mechanisms that are able to heal and beautify, slow down aging, take off tension. They need trust, a tender touch and natural cosmetics to do so. Touch is life, health, tenderness, closeness, a sense of security, trust. For thousands of years, people have considered it a source of life force and energy. So do we, which is why touch is king at PURITE OTIUM. A sense that cannot be replaced by anything! I will keep repeating it
How we work.
Dialogue is the basis for mutual understanding of needs and expectations. Therefore, every meeting is a conversation with the body. The first visit begins with the words. You tell us what you come with and we listen. Words always come first, however, after a while your body begins to speak, which has a different opinion than you. We look at you carefully trying to connect these two conversations going on in parallel – words and body. The therapy we offer you is the result of this three-way conversation.
Each visit is different, although we work on the same area. The places of tension, their intensity change, the body begins to react. I tune in to these needs. You come to us different/other, but all the time it is your need that dictates the therapy. We are working on the same thing, not the same finding the best method for you. Everyone has his body, and on it his skin, in it his muscles and his history written there. That’s why PURITE OTIUM is a mie-place where we won’t change you or invasively beautify you, because you don’t need that. We are beautiful. We only need a tender, conscious touch to bring out this beauty, to feel it and believe in it.
We consciously say not treatments, but therapies, because PURITE OTIUM is a practice whose menu includes, set with care and awareness of their beneficial effects, selected manual therapies aimed at improving the condition of your body. Our action often goes beyond massage in an effort to give you as much guidance as possible needed to enhance the desired effect. We are often on the front line, but that doesn’t mean the road ends here. Very often this road starts HERE….
The body always knows the fastest what is good for us and what harms us. Once we listen to him, we know exactly what to do. Massage by taking off tensions, giving a feeling of relief makes another, deeper process begin. Much more important. We are aware of this and are therefore attentive and very responsible.
Emotions are visibly affirming on our face. All that happens sometimes for years inside us is visible on our faces, grimacing in the pattern of wrinkles. Sadness, anger, wrath are the emotions that are responsible for the most unlu-beautiful wrinkles, which, not knowing why, take their names from animals…. among others. Lion’s wrinkle, hamsters, crow’s feet.
Every emotion, experience is recorded in our body. These emotions can and should be worked with. Not only in the office of a psy-chologist or therapist, but also through massage. Through a combination of therapies, what the head is working on is released during our work with the body giving physical relief during the intense and not infrequently emotionally difficult work with what does not serve us or what worries us. The emotions written on our faces and in our bodies can be softened, and with regular work we manage to get rid of them completely.
We are looking for new methods of work. The body’s gratitude and emotional well-being is an unmissable effect. Touch po-traits can affect not only tissue physiology, but also emotional well-being. An element of massage is acupressure, which supports our body’s energy, helping to restore it. This is important for the perception of the therapy and its long-term, not necessarily only visual, effects.
We also work with pain. Bruxism, or jaw clenching, is one of the most common ailments that dentists and orthodontists face in their patients. With transbucal massage, we can effectively work on relaxing the masseter muscle, which brings great relief to patients.
Access Consciousness therapy, or Bars’y, helps you get rid of the conditioning, entrapments and limitations of your consciousness. During this therapy, the therapist has very minimal contact with the body. He works with a very gentle touch, spot-on mainly with one area – the head. These points may be related to creativity, hope or deep awareness. With this method, we are able to work with people with high sensitivity to touch, such as those with autism or post-traumatic stress disorder.
To create the best massage for you we reach deep and wide. Both to the tradition and experience of the masters of the Far East -Japan, Indonesia, India, but also to modern innovative methods from Russia and Poland. We combine cranio-sacral therapy, deep-tissue massage with relaxing lomi lomi Eli hot stone techniques in areas of special need. We combine musculo-fascial massage with transbucal massage (massage inside the mouth), lifting and relaxation in proportions that suit your needs.
Skillfully reading the needs of the face and body, combining so many different techniques and using them in one massage is the concept behind the proprietary therapies PURITE OTIUM FACE BLEND and PURITE OTIUM BODY BLEND. Giving spectacular results not only in optical rejuvenation, but most importantly in visibly improving the condition of the skin and the entire body.
Each technique produces visible and noticeable results after the first massage. However, they are not sustainable. To maintain them, massages should be regular. And their frequency adapted to the needs and possibilities. We start intensively to po-wake up the muscles and fascia, get them used to regular work and then reduce the intensity to let the skin po-work. Our proposal is manual therapies.
Patience and trust in natural methods are the qualities that determine whether you will take advantage of our offer. Massage is not a quick aesthetic medicine procedure that gives immediate, lasting results. Massage is the path where the reward of well-being and your still natural appearance for years to come awaits. Until old age, you will enjoy natural facial expressions, your facial expressions will remain intact, and friends from your school years will continue to recognize you on the street. Are these sufficient arguments for manual therapy? For us, yes
Purite’s strength and quality.
Cosmetics at PURITE OTIUM represent the quality and strength of the Purite brand. This is safety and full control over the production process. Still everything is created in our small Lower Silesian manufactory, and people with a passion and mission to create natural cosmetics without compromise, in harmony with nature and care for the Planet are responsible for it. PURITE OTIUM is the triple power of Purite cosmetics, manual therapies and therapists’ hands.
We are for you.
PURITE OTIUM is, like our cosmetics, an office without gender or age. For anyone who feels the need for a good, professional touch. Anyone who recognizes massage as a valuable and effective way to stimulate the body and face.
PURITE OTIUM is a “one-on-one” place for comfort and intimacy, and this is appreciated by the male part of society, which already understands the need to take care of itself not only in its own bathroom. Men’s bodies and faces, just like women’s, need touch to feel relaxed and unwind, get rid of tension, take care of their skin when it has problems. We invite all gentlemen who have not yet found a place for themselves. PURITE OTIUM is all about intimacy and security. It is a space, invited for one guest. Work in complete comfort, silence and relaxation.
PURITE OTIUM means about Us.
My name is Kaśka Węglińska I am a beautician and masseuse who values the therapeutic power of touch. Naturo therapist by passion and conscious choice of profession. Focused on learning about the human body and uncompromising in terms of the chosen method of working with it. Author of therapies combining the magic of touch of selected massage techniques with the naturalness of Purite cosmeceuticals. Emanating positive energy, in love with Purite, people and the surrounding world. She loves to learn and is constantly developing her manual skills, which amazes my daughter to the highest degree. There is still so much to know, why limit yourself!
I worked with my head for a long time.
I enjoyed it, but there came a time when I felt the need for a profound change. More than anything, I wanted to see the result of the work of my own hands. To feel that what I do brings a smile and influences me to improve my mood. I didn’t know what it would be yet, but I knew exactly how I wanted to feel when I did it. I reached deep inside myself and remembered that the first profession I chose at the age of 15 was that of a beautician. Those were different times. Everyone said that the diploma counts and I should come up with something else. Well, I came up with this. And it gave me a lot of satisfaction for the first part of my professional life. Now I wanted to see if I could realize this teenage dream in my mature life. I did it and fell in love! I knew I wanted to work with my body. And every next step I took brought me closer to concretizing that path. Today I am a beautician, focused on natural manual techniques that allow the body to breathe freely.
Therefore, it will not surprise you to learn that for the PURITE OTIUM Team I was looking for people with a similar approach. People dedicated to their work, but not by the number of hours spent in it, but by the approach to people, the tenderness of touch and through knowledge and experience the certainty of what needs to be done so that harmony returns Na along with it a smile.
There are three of us.
Our professional experience is a marriage of cosmetics and massage. Each different, but together we form a strong Team of competent and experienced therapists. We work closely together to get the best results from the therapy.
Never, never assume anything forever – a sentence. has become my motto and motto in life and work. I read the words of os-theopathy professor Laurie Hartman in the book “The World of Touch” by physiotherapist Bartholomew Gajowiec, who, like no other physiotherapist before, brought me closer and connected the world of the body with the world of emotions, and opened the door for me to understand body language. I am still learning this speech. It’s a fascinating experience.
Dialogue, empathy, aromatherapy, natural cosmetics and PURITE OTIUM rituals are our world.We welcome you. Come in and experience.
Grzybowski Square 10/8
tel. 696 787 483
Book appointments: When I’m not answering, I’m working. Be assured that I will call or write back.
Ola Uszyńska2023-01-12 Kocham miłością odwzajemnioną, bo moja cera jest dzięki Purite coraz lepsza :) To kosmetyki najwyższej jakości, do tego polskie i przepięknie pachnące. Polecam polecam ❤️Hania Kotalska2021-04-13 Chciałabym zakomunikować, że z zachwytem odkryłam ziołowe , naturalne kosmetyki ( i nie tylko) firmy Purite. Mydełka, balsamy mają cudowne zapachy, a ich jakość jest znakomita. No i wielka przyjemnoscia jest ich kupowanie w butiku firmy przy Placu Grzybowskim w Wwie. Wnętrze o minimalistycznym wystroju, eleganckie, ale i też bardzo przyjazne. A przede wszystkim kompetentne i bardzo miłe panie. Dzisiaj była to pani Ola , i to byl bardzo sympatyczny kwadrans spędzony w jej "towarzystwie! A wnuczka była zachwycona prezentem urodzinowym, czyli różanym balsamem Purite. Anna, zadowolona babcia GabrysiM K2021-03-05 Cudowne miejsce i jeszcze cudowniejsze produkty!Patryk Fornalak2020-12-20 Piękne, przytulne miejsce, świetne kosmetyki w uczciwej cenie i najlepsza, przemiła obsługa ;)Piotr Dymarski2020-09-13 Piękne miejsce, przemiła obsługa, mnóstwo naturalnych kosmetyków. Każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie.Karolina Chisholm2020-08-13 Highly recommended. Good, natural products and helpful,very friendly service.Radosław Wollenszleger2020-08-05 Unikatowe i genialne kosmetyki. Bardzo miła obsługa i pełen profesjonalizm. Warto!Ewa Adams2020-06-29 Małe miejsce z dużą klasą. Pięknie pachnące, intrygujące wnętrze to tylko wstęp do tego, co znajdziecie w słoiczkach z kosmetykami. Moja skóra nigdy nie była w lepszej kondycji. Chapeau bas!Ogólna ocena Google5.0/5, na podstawie 15 opinii
A beautiful place with wonderful cosmetics. I’m delighted with the design and atmosphere of the place created by the owners and the smug staff.
Dawid, Wrocław
Wonderful cosmetics…natural, without unnecessary cloggers, and this beautiful fragrance…skin like after a home spa, I highly recommend a Polish company with a WOW effect!!!
Dominika, Torun
I would like to communicate that I was delighted to discover herbal , natural cosmetics ( and not only) from Purite. The soaps, lotions have wonderful scents, and the quality is excellent.
Hania, Warsaw
A small place with a lot of class. The beautifully scented, intriguing interior is just a prelude to what you’ll find inside the cosmetic jars. My skin has never been in better shape. Chapeau bas!
Ewa, Warsaw
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About Purite
tel. +48 696 787 483
from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
tel. + 48 507 000 836
Thursday through Saturday
from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Visit Purite Salon
Grzybowski Square 10 lok. 7a,
00-104 Warsaw
Opening Hours:
Tuesday – Friday: 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Purite Beauty Blend – PBB
Purite Manual Blend – PMB
Kobido Selected Luxury
Masaż Mioplastyczny
Zoga Face Integration I
Zoga Face Integration II (transbukalny)
Japoński Rytuał Masażu Twarzy
Masaż Mioplastyczny Selected
Ciało i Głowa
Purite Peeling
Holistyczny Rytuał Masażu Ciała i Twarzy
Lomi Lomi – Hawajski masaż ciała
Purite Headquarter Plus
Access Bars z masażem głowy
Akupunktura kosmetyczna
ACU Beauty Ceremony
ACU Pure Power Ceremony
ACU Shape – Odchudzanie
ACU Shape&Smooth – Odchudzanie i Cellulit
Kobido Selected PAKIET 10 (220 zł/zabieg x 10)
Kobido Selected PAKIET 6 (250 zł/zabieg x 6)
Purite Beauty Blend PAKIET 3 (350 zł/zabieg x 3)
Purite Manual Blend PAKIET 3 (390 zł/zabieg x 3)
Zoga Face Integration I PAKIET 3 (300 zł/zabieg x 3)
Zoga Face Integration II PAKIET 3 (330 zł/zabieg x 3)
Facemodeling PAKIET 3 (450 zł/zabieg x 3)
Facemodeling PAKIET 6 (390 zł/zabieg x 6)
Lomi Lomi PAKIET 3 (315 zl/zabieg x 3)
Access Bars PAKIET 6 ( 200 zł/zabieg x 6)
Purite Beauty Blend – PBB
Purite Manual Blend – PMB
Kobido Selected Luxury
Mioplastic Massage
Zoga Face Integration I
Zoga Face Integration II (transbucal)
Japanese Facial Massage Ritual
Selected Mioplastic Massage
Facial yoga (as part of the treatment)
Aesthetic kinesiotaping (as part of the treatment)
Body and Head
Purite Peeling
Holistic Body and Face Massage Ritual
Lomi Lomi – Hawaiian body massage
Comprehensive back, neck and head massage
Back massage and trigger point reduction
Purite Headquarter Plus
Access Bars with head massage
Cosmetic acupuncture
ACU Beauty Ceremony
ACU Pure Power Ceremony
ACU Shape – Weight Loss
ACU Shape&Smooth – Weight Loss and Cellulite
Kobido PACKAGE 10 (200 zł/treatment x 10)
Kobido PACKAGE 6 (225 zł/treatment x6)
Kobido Selected PACKAGE 10 (220 zł/treatment x 10)
Kobido Selected PACKAGE 6 (250 zł/treatment x 6)
Purite Beauty Blend PACKAGE 3 (£350/treatment x 3)
Purite Manual Blend PACKAGE 3 (£390/treatment x 3)
Zoga Face Integration I PACKAGE 3 (300 zł/treatment x 3)
Zoga Face Integration II PACKAGE 3 (£330/treatment x 3)
Facemodeling PACKAGE 3 (450 zł/treatment x 3)
Facemodeling PACKAGE 6 (390 zł/treatment x 6)
Lomi Lomi PACKAGE 3 (315 zl/treatment x 3)
Access Bars PACKAGE 6 ( 200 zł/treatment x 6)
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